宾夕法尼亚州丹维 尔市格伊辛格医疗系统的 博士及其同事对来自两项队列研究的数据进行了分析,他们发现,在接受Roux-en-Y式胃肠旁路手术(RYGB)的患者中,与 术后病情未能缓解的糖尿病患者以及非糖尿病患者相比,术后病情发生缓解的糖尿病患者具有最高的成纤维细胞生长因子19(FGF19)和总胆酸水平(P值均 小于0.001)。
“处于缓解期的患者在FGF19和胆汁酸水平上发生了最为显著的改变,” 说,“我们推测,胆汁酸在FGF19中起了至关重要的作用,这或许改变了患者对胰岛素的敏感程度。”
及其同事所评估的数据来自两组接受减肥手术患者的队列:其中一组涉及了66名糖尿病患者和54名非糖尿病患者;另一组涉及了115名糖尿病患者和71名非 糖尿病患者。他们将队列分为三组:非糖尿病的RYGB患者,RYGB术后病情至少缓解了12个月的糖尿病患者和RYGB术后病情无缓解的糖尿病患者。
他 们发现,术后病情缓解的糖尿病患者在总胆酸方面也具有最大的增幅(P
说,可能的机制或许是,随着手术的完成,胆汁酸分泌进入空的十二指肠并直接转运至远端的小肠,与回肠更加接近,而后者正是FGF19产生的部位。不与食物 相接触的胆汁酸可能更具生物活性,其或许可以改变肝脏葡萄糖氧化并刺激FGF19的产生。他补充说,这或许可以使肝脏重建对FGF19的敏感并继而促进体 内葡萄糖水平的稳定。
没有参与此项研究的纽约莱诺克斯山医院的 博士表示,该研究“非常有效”的证明了已知的观点,即胆汁酸在减肥手术中“是平衡的重要组成部分”。
ADA: Bile Acids T2D After Tx
A in the of bile acids may play a role in the of type 2 often seen after , here.
In an of data from two , who went into Roux-en-Y (RYGB) had the in of 19 (FGF19) and the in total bile acids with who did not go into and with non- who had (P
They their in Care and in the Care at the .
" in the in FGF19 and bile acids," said. "We that bile acids play a major role in FGF19, which ... may to ."
RYGB leads to of in a large of , but the this isn't well . FGF19 has been with the of bile acid , so the that this may play a role in that .
and data from two of : one with 66 with and 54 the ; a with 115 and 71 non- .
They split the into three : RYGB , RYGB with who had for at least 12 after , and RYGB with who didn't have of after .
Pre-, with had lower of FGF19 and bile acid than non- , " the of an in the FGF19-[bile acid, (BA)] in the state," the wrote.
In , lower of FGF19 with 7 alpha- () -- a of bile acid -- in , but not in non- (P
, the found that serum FGF19 for the of all of , but who went into had the of all three (P
in also had the in total bile acids, they found (P
The noted that acid has been with , it could play a key role in of after .
said the could be that with , bile acids get into an empty and to the small , which is to the ileum, where FGF19 is .
These bile acids may be more since they don't come in with food, and may be able alter and FGF19 , he said, that this may re- the liver to FGF19 and .
, MD, of Lenox Hill in New York City, who was not in the study, said the is "very valid" given that it's been known that bile acids "are an part of the " in .
"I don't think it's the bile acids or FGF19 , but I think they are that allow or to get into a 's ," said.
He added that other also to be by , and .
"They get ," he said, "and I think the same is ."
2014 年 5 月,英国科兹沃尔德。图源:《足不出户:英国最胖的女人》截图正值初夏,阳光透过道路两旁的行道树,暖洋洋地洒在草地上;英伦风格浓烈的建筑在...
新华社北京6月19日电 美国儿科学会今年1月发布指南说,12岁及以上肥胖症患儿可考虑药物治疗、13岁及以上肥胖症患儿可考虑手术治疗。...
新华社北京6月19日电 美国儿科学会今年1月发布指南说,12岁及以上肥胖症患儿可考虑药物治疗、13岁及以上肥胖症患儿可考虑手术治疗。...